
Common use case:

namespace DTO;

class CreateUserDTO
    public string $email;
    public float $balance;
$data = [
    'email' => '',
    'balance' => 128.41,
$dto = (new Hydrator())->create(CreateUserDTO::class, $data);

// or static init

$dto = Hydrator::init()->create(CreateUserDTO::class, $data);



Also for php 8 you can pass named arguments:

$dto = Hydrator::init()->create(CreateUserDTO::class,
        email: '',
        balance: 128.41

If the property is not of a scalar type, but a class of another DTO is allowed, it will also be automatically converted.

class ProductDTO
    public int $id;
    public string $name;

class PurchaseDTO
    public ProductDTO $product;
    public float $cost;

$data = [
    'product' => ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'phone'],
    'cost' => 10012.23,

$purchaseDTO = Hydrator::init()->create(PurchaseDTO::class, $data);
  public ProductDTO 'product' =>
      public int 'id' => int 1
      public string 'name' => string 'phone' (length=5)
  public float 'cost' => float 10012.23


If you have an array of objects of a certain class, then you must specify the ConvertArray attribute for it, passing it to which class you need to bring the elements.

You can also specify a class in PHP DOC, but then you need to write the full path to this class array <DTOProductDTO>. This is done in order to know exactly which instance you need to create. Since Reflection does not provide out-of-the-box functions for getting the use * file. Besides use *, you can specify an alias, and it will be more difficult to trace it. Example:

Anonymous array

In case you need to convert an array of data into an array of class objects, you can implement this using the createCollection method.

$data = [
  ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'phone'],
  ['id' => 2, 'name' => 'bread'],
$products = Hydrator::init()->createCollection(ProductDTO::class, $data);

As a result of this execution, you will get an array of ProductDTO objects

array(2) {
      object(ProductDTO) {
        ["id"]=> int(1)
        ["name"]=> string(5) "phone"
      object(ProductDTO) {
        ["id"]=> int(2)
        ["name"]=> string(5) "bread"

You may also need a piecemeal transformation of the array. In this case, you can pass an array of classes, which can then be easily unpacked.

$userData = ['id' => 1, 'email' => '', 'balance' => 10012.23];
$purchaseData = [
    'products' => [
        ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'phone',],
        ['id' => 2, 'name' => 'bread',],
    'user' => ['id' => 3, 'email' => '', 'balance' => 10012.23,],

$result = Hydrator::init()->createMultiple([UserDTO::class, PurchaseDTO::class], [$userData, $purchaseData]);

[$user, $purchase] = $result;


object(UserDTO) (3) {
  ["id"] => int(1)
  ["email"]=> string(13) ""
  ["balance"]=> float(10012.23)

object(PurchaseDTO) (2) {
  array(2) {
    object(ProductDTO)#349 (3) {
      ["id"]=> int(1)
      ["name"]=> string(5) "phone"
    object(ProductDTO)#348 (3) {
      ["id"]=> int(2)
      ["name"]=> string(5) "bread"
  object(UserDTO)#332 (3) {
    ["id"]=> int(3)
    ["email"]=> string(13) ""
    ["balance"]=> float(10012.23)

Writing style

A constant problem with the style of writing, for example, in the database it is snake_case, and in the camelCase code. And they constantly need to be transformed somehow. The package takes care of this, you just need to specify the WritingStyle attribute on the property:

class WritingStyleSnakeCaseDTO
    #[WritingStyle(WritingStyle::STYLE_CAMEL_CASE, WritingStyle::STYLE_SNAKE_CASE)]
    public string $contact_fio;

    public string $contact_email;

 $data = [
  'contactFio' => '',
  'contactEmail' => '',
$model = Hydrator::init()->create(WritingStyleSnakeCaseDTO::class, $data);


object(WritingStyleSnakeCaseDTO) (2) {
  ["contact_fio"]=> string(8) ""
  ["contact_email"]=> string(13) ""


Various possible aliases can be set for the property, which will also be searched in the data source. This can be useful if the DTO is generated from different data sources.

class WithAliasDTO
    public string $fio;

    #[FieldAlias(['email', 'phone'])]
    public string $contact;

Custom setter

If a field requires additional processing during its initialization, you can mutate its setter. To do this, create a method in the following format in the class - set{$name}Attribute. Example:

class UserDTO
    public int $id;
    public string $real_address;

    public function setRealAddressAttribute(string $value)
        $this->real_address = strtolower($value);

After Transform

Inside the class, you can create the afterTransform method, which will be called immediately after the conversion is completed. In it, we can describe our additional verification or transformation logic by already working with the state of the object.

class UserDTO
    public int $id;
    public float $balance;

    public function afterTransform()
        $this->balance = 777;

Custom transform

If you need to completely transform yourself, then you can create a transform method in the class. In this case, no library processing is called, all the responsibility of the conversion passes to your class.

class CustomTransformUserDTOArray
    public string $email;
    public string $username;

    public function transform($args)
        $this->email = $args['login'];
        $this->username = $args['fio'];


The package supports a class caching mechanism to avoid the cost of reflection. This functionality is recommended to be used only if you have very voluminous classes, or there is a cyclic transformation of multiple entities. On ordinary lightweight DTO, there will be only 5-10%, and this will be unnecessary access in the file system.

You can enable caching by passing the config to the hydrator constructor:

(new Hydrator(new HydratorConfig(true)))
    ->create(PurchaseDto::class, $data);